You get a totally free case evaluation with zero obligation. Before hiring a truck injury attorney, it is extremely helpful to learn what factors are important to win your case. You can ask us about our results and the potential value of your truck accident case.

These questions can help you understand:

How Long Have We Helped Injury Clients with a Car Wreck with a Tractor-trailer?

Finding a law firm or single lawyer for  your accident injury case is difficult. We have helped car wreck injury clients who had an accident with a tractor-trailer for over 40 years. You want a law firm with the most trucking experience you can find. We’ll also:

How Much is My Truck Accident Worth?

A truck accident can be worth as little as $25,000 and up into several million dollars. No law firm can accurately tell you the value of your case without finding out specific information about your case. The more information we have may make the value of your case increase drastically. To help we need to find out:

What Can I Expect my Truck Accident Lawyer to Help Me With?

If you have never navigated the complex legal process filing a large truck accident, you might want to read the Kansas City Truck Accident Lawyer page. Your considered lawyer should be able to provide free information about:

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer?

You have a legal right to know how much the lawyer will charge to represent you. Typical fees to hire a truck accident lawyer are a one-third contingency fee (33.3%) before filing a lawsuit and forty percent (40%) after the lawsuit is filed. It is important to understand case expenses for experts, filing fees, independent medical evaluations, reconstruction accident experts and total cost of a trial.

We never charge a fee to provide a free case evaluation. Let our experienced truck accident attorneys teach you how a truck accident claim works. This allows you to understand your options about hiring a truck accident lawyer. When the insurance adjuster denies your claim or makes a lowball offer, we can file an immediate lawsuit for you.

How Long Do I Have to File a Truck Accident Claim?

You have different deadlines that apply to your case.

In Kansas, an adult typically has a two year statute of limitations from the date of accident, per
Kansas Statute 60-513.

In Missouri, an adult typically has a 5 year statute of limitations from the date of accident, per RSMO 516.120 

If one of the injured persons is a minor or other a mental disability you may have a longer period of time, but our law firm always recommends that you file the lawsuit as quickly as possible to prevent the loss of critical evidence that helps you win your truck accident lawsuit.

Call the Truck Accident Lawyers Group of Bull Attorneys for a Free Case Evaluation.

When you call the Truck Accident Lawyer link at Bull Attorneys, we will answer all your truck accident questions for free. To call, dial 316-330-9200.